29. 3. 2012


Brick: What is the victory of a cat on a hot tin roof? 
Maggie: Just staying on it I guess, long as she can.  

This is the most popular quote from the book. I think it is because the book is named "Cat on a hot tin roof". What is the meaning of it? As you read the story you will find out that ROOF is a symbol for the family Pollitt. And Maggie is the cat who has to survive in this family. She has it very difficult, because she is from South, she used to be poor and her husband is liquor. "Just staying on it I guess, long as she can". She fights for better future and staying at the house as long as she can is the best thing she can do. 

"One thing you can grow on a big place more important than cotton!—is tolerance!—I grown it."

This is the sentence everybody should think of. Who said it? It is Big Daddy. When he talked with Brick, he said him about his young life. He was poor young man working in a plantation, but his dream was to become rich and powerful. He gained it. He is the only person in a story who worked hard from the begining. He grown tolerance! How did he do that? He just simply worked, worked and worked=ambitious. He didn't have rich parents who paid for him. This is interesting for me! This is a person like my father. I can say I'm  proud of those people! Because without them, there will be no tolerance and effort. 

"You can be young without money, but you can't be old without it."

If you don't read the book I would probably say this sentence said Big Daddy, but in fact it is Maggie. She explains why she is determined to ensure that Brick inherits the cotton plantation after Big Daddy die. She knows that young without money is normal, because you have to earn money! But if you are old and you don't have them, you were not working hard in you life. 

"Phone is ringing in hall. A Negro voice answers: "Mistuh Polly's res'dence."

I would say this quote deal with America at that time. Sometimes we hear the voice of an African-American character in a play. As a reader I see the racist allusion, because "Negro voice" doesn't belong to a character with a name. I would not say that in this play Pollitt family had bad behaviour to Negroes, because in every scene they very nice to them. But I think T. Williams wanted to highlight the situation that was happening at that time. 

"Why? Because human beings dream of life everlasting, that's the reason! But most of them want it on earth and not in heaven." 
Maggie is clever, wise and she knows very well what drives people to want what they want. As she knows this, she understands Mae, Gooper well. This helps her get what she really wants. 

Here you have more quotes: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0051459/quotes
so if you are interested to read more, you can do it :) 

The End?

We should finish the book. I DID! What have happened in the story? Is there something what I have expected to happen? In the end of act two, Brick made a slip of tongue and told the truth about the Big Daddy's health. Big Daddy is shoked, but in my opinion he expected it. In the begining of act three Big Daddy saying: ALL LYIN'-DYIN'-LIARS!. Isn't that true? We live in a society where everybody says a lie! Now it is time to tell the actual truth about report from clinic to Big Mama. Margaret,Mae, Doctor Baugh and Gooper come to the room and call BM. They want to have a talk with her. They donn't want to talk laudly, because Big Daddy is in the house (and they dont know that he already knows it). Suddenly they told Big Mama the reality. "You told me and Big Daddy there wasn't a thing wrong with him but--". She is sad, disappointed and she cannot believe it! I found this information the hardest in this play. This is something nobody can imagine if you don't experience it. Generally this play is about money, fortune and insignificant things. This is the turn in the whole play. From now, everything changes into truth.
Big Mama: " Just a dream, a bad dream"=She refuse to admit the truth

But why do they tell it to Big Mama? Mae and Gooper are mendacious and all they want are money. When they reveal the secret from clinic, there is a talk between Maggie, Mae and Gooper. Mae is as usually annoying and tease Maggie with her "south" problem. Mae also allude to Brick infront of Maggie, because she wants her to become angry. But in fact Maggie protects him and shout at her. Mae is trying to make Gooper poor in eyes of Big Mama, but it doesn't work at all.
Why do Mae and Brick want to tell BM the truth alone? It is simple. They have prepared an trusteeship/ testament.

Gooper: "This we did as soon as we got the report on Big Daddy from th' Ochsner Laboratories. We did this thing, I mean we drew up this dummy outline with the advice and assistance of the Chairman of the Boa'd of Directors of th' Southern Plantahs Bank and Trust Company in Memphis, C.C. Bellowes, a man who gandles estates for all th' prominent fam'lies in West Tennessee and th' Delta."

Do you see it? All the organizations, names or banks? Well, I have to admit they prepared it very well. Mae and Gooper called it "preliminary outline which provide a basis-a design-a possible, feasible-plan!"
As I thought, Big Mama knows that Big Daddy doesn't want to give his property to Gooper and she refuses the testament.
Big Mama: "Oh, Brick, son of Big Daddy, Big Daddy does so love you. Y'know what would be his fondest dream come true? If before he passed on....you give him a child of yours, a grandson as much like his son as his son is like Big Daddy..."
After this converstation, Big Daddy comes. ( He knows about his cancer). I really like the phrase he says: " Which stawm are you talkin' about-th' one outsie or th' hullballoo in here". He says some story about young married couple. The only one who understand is Brick, nobody else has a clue what the hell Big Daddy talks about.
Big Daddy: " What is the smell in this room? Don't you notice it, Brick? Don't yo notice a powerful and obnoxious ador of mendacity in this room?" Big Daddy is great! He plays with their minds. Here we are, everybody is in a room, pretending love and truth.

Another lie? Is it possible? Yes in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. Maggie has a special annoncement for Big Daddy. She is pregnant. This was the biggest wish of Big Daddy, do you remember? What a surprise she is pregnant ( by the way if you were readin my blog you know that she didn't sleep with Brick for a while). But it doesn't matter, because I'm on the side of Brick and Maggie. Big Daddy and Big Mama are satisfied and happy, but Mae and Gooper do not believe them at all. I have a bed new, nobody listen to them.
Mae:" That woman isn't prenant!
Gooper: "The doctor didn't. Doc Baugh didn't"
Margaret: I haven't gone to Doc Baugh.
Mae: " We know it's a lie because we hear you in here: he won't sleep with you, we here you! So don't imagine you're going to put a trick over on us, to fool a dying man with a--"
Maggie and Brick return to their room. Maggie tells him that it is the right day to conceive.

Brick: Yes I understand, Maggie. But how are you going to conceive a child by a man in live with his liquor?
Maggie: By locking his liquor up and making him satisfy my desire before I unlock it!
Brick: Is that what you've done, Maggie?
Maggie: Look and see. That cabinet's mighty empty compared to before!

....it continues. Maggie wants to get pregnant this night and she will do it.

What was your opinion about the end? Do you find this end typical? I would say.....read the book! I really like it :)

20. 3. 2012


I haven't seen Cat on a Hot Tin Roof in theatre, that means I'm not going to read the critics about those plays. Doing some research I've found critics about the movie I've already seen. Let's have a look on them and than I would try my best to respond on them.

Browsing the web, I found the critics on NYTIMES. I think this is quite good newspaper and I think they may contain something truthful.

First of all I would like to say that the first review or critic was published in September 19, 1958 by Bosley Crowther. I don't have a clue who Bosley is, but what is interesting is the date. What does it mean? The critic was written after the premiere in the Music Hall.

You should definitely watch the movie. Are you a person who does not like reading? If yes, I would recommend you to watch it. From my side there is no bad film scene. All main characters in the movie are perfect. I should probably tell you who they are, because when you will hear the cast you will want to see it.

CAST: Elizabeth TaylorPaul NewmanBurl IvesJack CarsonJudith Anderson 
Paul Newman-IDOL of women

Do you see them, they were the best actors at that time! When I was watching the movie, I was feeling the emotion which I had when I was reading the book. Isn't that great? Normally I have never ever thought that book and movie are the same, because most of the time movies are missing the essence. BUT in the CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF NO!
Lets see, what they wrote in NYTIMES:

"The Fur Flies in 'Cat on a Hot Tin Roof'; Talent Galore Found in Music Hall Film Acting Does Justice to Williams Play" 

"AN all-fired lot of high-powered acting is done in "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof," film version of the Tennessee Williams stage play, which came to the Music Hall yesterday. Burl Ives, Paul Newman, Elizabeth Taylor, Judith Anderson, Jack Carson and two or three more almost work and yell themselves to pieces making this drama of strife within a new-rich Southern family a ferocious and fascinating show." 

"As a straight exercise in spewing venom and flinging dirty linen on a line, this fine Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer production in color would be hard to beat. It is done by superior talents, under the driving direction of Richard Brooks, making even the driest scenes drip poison with that strong, juicy Williams dialogue." 

......and I should continue and continue.....
More you can read on that link

In the book there are parts that highlights the main themes. I bet you will hear them in the movie as well in the book. I highlighted the yellow text (up-critic), and I have nothing to disagree with. 

Maggie: "Living with someone you love can be lonelier-than living entirely alone!--if the one that y' love doesn't love you."
"I feel all the time like a cat on a hot tin roof"
"Because human beings dream of life everlasting, that's the reason! But most of the want it on earth and not in heaven." 
Big Mamma: "Did you make Brick happy in a bed"? 
Brick: "Many happy returns when they know there won't be any.."
"Mendacity is a system that we live in. Liquor is one way out an' death's the other..." 

....more too write probably 

5. 3. 2012

Protagonist X Antagonist

Are you going to read the book? If yes, you will have different view than I have, so don't kill me, because I have my own opinion.

Protagonist Brick versus antigonist Maggie

The reticent protagonist Brick, struggles with alcoholism, the loss of his best frind, the loss of his own young life and unsatisfied marriage. Brick is mentally devastated over the suicide of his frined Skipper, who killed himself after he tried to discuss his opinions, feelings and orientation. While talking to his dad, he find source of his angst and after that he learns abouth self-forgiveness and acceptance.

Maggie "Cat" represents the most headstrong character in a play. She experiences adversity from her husband and also from her whole life. She is strong and instead of verging on insanity she struggle for better life. She is the faithful wife who gets her husband back to their marriage.


From the begining it is obvious that Brick doesn't want Maggie. He is ignoring her. While they are talking he answeres in short senteces.
Maggie: Well, I was conscios of it! What were you thinking of?
Brick: "I don't remember thinking of anything, Maggie.
Maggie: " Don't you think I know that--?"....
Brick: " Know what, Maggie?"
Maggie: " That I'Vve gone through this--bideous!--transfromation, become --hard! Frantic! That's what you've been observing in me lately. How could y' help but observe it? ....
Brick: Did you say something?

Maggie: " Living with someone you love can be lonelier---than living entirely alone!---if the one that y' love doesn't love you....."
Brick: "Would you like to live alone, Maggie?"
Maggie: "No!--God!--I wouldn't!" "Did you have a nice shower?"
Brick: "Uh-huh"
Maggie: "Was the water cool?"
Brick: No.

Why do they have a relationship like unknown? Why do they play off each other like cat and dog? In my opinion they are missing the support from each other, they are not talking and Brick doesn't believe her. Because of this, Brick plays the strong man without feelings, but I don't believe him! There are some scenes at which I regognized that he loves her.

Maggies plays of very annoying wife who is seducing Big Daddy and Brick, because she knows she is hot.


These two pairs are reverse each other. Brick and Maggie are those without children, without trust, but without falsehood. Gooper and Mae are "family" with children and they are liars. Mae is playing off Maggie with annoying and tiresome questions. She is eavesdroping every conversation in a house that may help her in gaining the property of Big Daddy. Mae informs Big Mamma in presumption that it will help her. She play of every single person in the house! In the end her husband yells on her.