As I'm reading the book I'm surprised with the language which is used "goddam, 'em, wint=went). I was wondering when were those words used and it is connected with South, because the whole language which is used in the book is an accent.
It is fact that they have "Negroes" as employees, which we can connect with the situation/period the play is set in. " Negroes in white jackets enter with an enormous birthday cake ablaze with candles and carrying buckets of champagne...." From this it is obvious that in 1955 "Negroes" were those who do not have that much right still.
Rich "dad" is dying of a cancer and what do you think deceitful children will do? They will want his property! In my opinion it is very possible this has happend somewhere in the wordl.
"My dad died and he gave me all his money" |
The play by T.Williams is relevant in any time!
In the 21st century we can see many weddings just because of money/property which means there is no any love in a relationship. What is interesting about the play COAHTF? Even in the 1955 T.Williams was living in a period where two-faced people lived in a family. Money change character!
Spelling, spelling, spelling... but very nice detail, supporting evidence, and it sounds like you are really enthusiastic about this play, which makes us excited about it, too. :)
OdpovědětVymazatIn Task 3, we wanted you to really connect the time period with understanding the scenario. How does the historical/cultural background effect the story and how we understand it. I really like your blog's layout and overall it grabs my attention! Good job.
OdpovědětVymazatSorry for the spelling mistakes :/ O:) I will try to correct them.....thank you Mr.Healy and roro-iwannaseeyourblog...:))