Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, is 1958 American drama film directed by Richard Brooks. Richard Brooks's film is famously acted and Paul Newman, Elizabeth Tayolor and Burl Ives get the great cast in their roles. I would say that Cat on a Hot Tin Roof in movie or book adaptation are both very well done. In my opinion it its almost impossible to say which one of these two is better. The only thing which is missing in a movie is the relationship of Brick+Skipper. I would say in some ways the book was more risque than the movie, because T.Williams didn't have to worry of telling the sexual context in the book as R. Brooks did in the movie version. The movie leaves less to the imagination of its audience, but gives the viewer what he expects. I would say that in the movie there is very clean language, however in the book they are more rude. In my opinion this is because telling "you fu** bastard, son of bitch..." is not appropriete language in the movie.
When I was looking for some responds at internet I found negative opinions about the movie. "The film adapts the words of Williams' original play, though in a cut version." I would say that this is what the Americans wanted. The typical Hollywood "romance" story.
When I start to think of some differences in the movie and in the book I would say it is up to everybody how would you imagine the movie. If you like the way R. Brooks made as I am nobody will kill us.
Nominated for 6 Oscars
In the Czech ranking it has 86% (that means quite a good movie)
I really like the book and the movie too! You should definitely read the book or watch the movie. It was the best project I have ever done in english literature!
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