29. 3. 2012


Brick: What is the victory of a cat on a hot tin roof? 
Maggie: Just staying on it I guess, long as she can.  

This is the most popular quote from the book. I think it is because the book is named "Cat on a hot tin roof". What is the meaning of it? As you read the story you will find out that ROOF is a symbol for the family Pollitt. And Maggie is the cat who has to survive in this family. She has it very difficult, because she is from South, she used to be poor and her husband is liquor. "Just staying on it I guess, long as she can". She fights for better future and staying at the house as long as she can is the best thing she can do. 

"One thing you can grow on a big place more important than cotton!—is tolerance!—I grown it."

This is the sentence everybody should think of. Who said it? It is Big Daddy. When he talked with Brick, he said him about his young life. He was poor young man working in a plantation, but his dream was to become rich and powerful. He gained it. He is the only person in a story who worked hard from the begining. He grown tolerance! How did he do that? He just simply worked, worked and worked=ambitious. He didn't have rich parents who paid for him. This is interesting for me! This is a person like my father. I can say I'm  proud of those people! Because without them, there will be no tolerance and effort. 

"You can be young without money, but you can't be old without it."

If you don't read the book I would probably say this sentence said Big Daddy, but in fact it is Maggie. She explains why she is determined to ensure that Brick inherits the cotton plantation after Big Daddy die. She knows that young without money is normal, because you have to earn money! But if you are old and you don't have them, you were not working hard in you life. 

"Phone is ringing in hall. A Negro voice answers: "Mistuh Polly's res'dence."

I would say this quote deal with America at that time. Sometimes we hear the voice of an African-American character in a play. As a reader I see the racist allusion, because "Negro voice" doesn't belong to a character with a name. I would not say that in this play Pollitt family had bad behaviour to Negroes, because in every scene they very nice to them. But I think T. Williams wanted to highlight the situation that was happening at that time. 

"Why? Because human beings dream of life everlasting, that's the reason! But most of them want it on earth and not in heaven." 
Maggie is clever, wise and she knows very well what drives people to want what they want. As she knows this, she understands Mae, Gooper well. This helps her get what she really wants. 

Here you have more quotes: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0051459/quotes
so if you are interested to read more, you can do it :) 

1 komentář:

  1. It's also that if you are young without money, you can manage -- you always survive, you can find money somehow, and life is still fine -- but when you are old it is much more difficult to manage because nothing comes as easily to you as it once did, especially working.
